Company News
Talent is the basis for development
On November 8, Deling Technology 2022 product research and development project awards meeting was held, the General Assembly recognized the year in the field of product research and development has made outstanding contributions to the scientific and technological workers, the company's senior executives and technology research and development department of the whole staff attended the awards meeting.Mr. Zheng Jinbao, Deputy Director of R&D Department, summarized and reviewed the company's technology and R&D work in the past year as well as the main product R&D achievements, and also introduced the focus of R&D work in 2022 as well as the next stage of technology and R&D work planning.Chief Engineer Chen Jianjing said in his speech that it is a happy event for engineers and technicians that the company grandly held the R&D project awarding conference, which shows that the company attaches importance to the product R&D work. He fully affirmed the outstanding achievements made by the Technology and R&D Department in the past year, and encouraged the technology and R&D personnel to study the professional technology diligently, love their jobs and dedicate themselves to their work, and continuously develop new products with market competitiveness.There are 13 R&D project awards: 2 first prizes, 4 second prizes and 7 third prizes. Chairman Chen Qiguo, Vice Chairman Huang Fengyong, and Vice General Manager Chen Shuhao respectively presented honorary certificates and medals to the 13 award-winning engineers. Engineer Lin Zhenwei, the first prize winner, shared his winning speech as the representative of the award.✦First Prize for Product Development Project✦Second Prize for Product Development Project✦Third Prize for Product Development ProjectGeneral manager Zhu Xingbing in the commendation meeting on the award winners expressed warm congratulations, and from the overall situation and strategic height of the company's future technology and R & D work to make a comprehensive deployment. General manager pointed out that the rapid introduction of new products, is the past success of Deling Technology, will also be the future driving the development of the company's power source, the company will, as always, pay attention to product research and development, the importance of product competitiveness to build, will continue to carry forward the core advantages of product expertise is long, at the same time, to strengthen the theoretical study of R & D management and practice, and strive to improve the level of R & D process of management and control, and strive to achieve product development Good and fast results. Chairman Chen Qiguo expressed his gratitude to the R&D staff who are struggling on the front line. He emphasized that it takes everyone's common efforts to exert the company's professional advantages and become a technology leader in the industry. As a high-tech enterprise, we should attach great importance to product research and development, strengthen the declaration of patents, and improve the awareness of intellectual property protection. The R&D team should always put "innovation" in the first place, and at the same time focus on optimizing the design scheme to keep the total cost leading, so as to obtain the competitive advantage in the market.The initial heart remains unchanged, the future can be expected! This meeting has boosted the morale of the staff, greatly inspired the work enthusiasm of the technology research and development team, enhanced team cohesion, and will certainly play a great role in promoting the innovative development of the company.
Digital transformation enables business growth
 In recent years, Deling Technology has earnestly implemented the policy spirit of all levels of government on the development of digital transformation, increased investment in digital transformation, based on a new generation of information technology, to take the road of intelligent, digital development, the company has achieved good results in product intelligence and digital management. November 2, Zhejiang TV news channel today commented on the column reported on the digitalization of Deling Technology. Transformation and development of the stage results.In the first half of 2022, in the face of recurring epidemics and severe market environment, the company grasped change and promoted transformation, continued to promote business model innovation, supply chain reform, and relying on the resource advantages of digital empowerment to effectively improve operational efficiency, the company's business growth against the trend, in the first three quarters, the company's sales revenue growth of more than 20%.In the future, the company will continue to adhere to the strategy of seeking progress while maintaining stability, guarding the integrity and innovation, strengthening the strategic leadership, deeply implementing the new development concept, and realizing the company's high-quality and sustainable development by accelerating the digital transformation, promoting the deeper development of technological innovation, and making the operation and management more high-quality and high-efficiency.General Manager Zhu Xingbing said that digital transformation is crucial, with the arrival of the intelligent era, changes in market demand, new business models and the need for digital change are all calling for enterprises to carry out digital transformation. Digitalization can not only help enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency, but also give enterprises the opportunity to rethink the value positioning and reconstruct the business model. Enterprises must grasp the general trend of digital development and seize the big opportunity to win the future.
消防保安全 安全增效益
为了进一步强化园区的消防安全教育,提高公司火灾防控能力和突发事件应变能力,德菱科技于2022年10月25日分别在培训室和公司前院组织开展了员工消防安全知识讲座和现场逃生灭火演练,参加此次消防演练人员共计214人。公司领导对这次演练工作高度重视,副总经理周庆担任此次演练总指挥,从演练策划、前期准备、组织实施到正式演练所的各个阶段全程参与、跟踪督导、现场指挥。消防安全知识讲座结束后,演练模拟公司三楼培训室发生火情,室内出现浓烟,发现火情后,通讯组立即进行上报,启动消防应急疏散预案,同时迅速拨打“119”报警。      指挥组、灭火组、疏散引导组、安全救护组等成员按照分工,有条不紊地及时切断危险源,疏散人员,准备好抢救器械、药品等,对受伤人员紧急实施抢救并拨打“120”,到达安全点后清点人员。灭火实操采用了“先培训,后示范,再实操”的演练形式,参与演练的职工亲身体验了使用灭火器对虚拟着火点进行灭火的过程。通过此次消防知识讲座和综合演练,参演人员巩固了消防安全知识,掌握了应急救援、紧急逃生的正确方法,确保在事故突发时,应急工作能快速、高效、有序地进行,从而最大限度地保护员工生命安全,特别是避免不必要的二次伤害。通过演练活动,也发现了公司在消防安全、安全生产方面的一些问题和不足,公司领导层高度重视,指示人事行政部牵头,尽快采取整改纠正措施,确保公司安全生产保持良好水平。
建设学习型组织 打造高绩效团队
 2022年初以来,德菱科技高度重视员工学习培训,致力于建设学习型组织。公司制定了丰富的培训计划,明确打造“德菱学苑”目标。截止2022年9月份,公司组织大课培训60余场,小课培训20余场,累计培训1853人次。培训课程涵盖了关键工序、产品知识、设备维护保养、产品质量、企业文化宣讲、5S管理、心态管理等。员工纷纷感叹公司日渐注重人才培养,在德菱的每一天都有成长和收获,“德菱学苑”名副其实!公司领导在培训中提到:“知识创造财富,学习成就未来,培训是公司给予员工最好的礼物! 鲜花和掌声从来不会赐予好逸恶劳者,而只会馈赠风雨兼程的前行者,希望所有的干部职工都能谨记并时刻勉励自己。“德菱学苑”的成立,就是要培养一个热爱学习的团队,打造一个热爱学习的企业,“学苑”通过多样化的形式,提升员工的知识储备,提高员工的职业素养。”      一位新入职的研发工程师在培训后感慨,从参加第一场新员工入职培训后,公司又组织了很多场培训,既有有丰富行业经验老师的授课,又有标杆企业的游学参观,每次都有不一样的思想碰撞,让我觉得非常快速地融入这个温暖的大家庭!学习是件很快乐的事情,一起学习是件更快乐的事情,这是许多德菱人在培训后真实感受。总经理曾表示,建设学习型组织,打造高绩效团队,培养职业化员工队伍,是德菱从“经验管理”走向“科学管理”的重要途径,德菱科技将坚定不移地抓好员工的学习培训,努力建设学习型组织,打造高绩效团队,并以此推动企业持续健康发展。





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